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    Jeff's shared items

    5 things I know about life.

    1. People move away
    2. Cats like grass. They eat it.
    3. Everyone poops, no matter who they are.
    4. People like to control content that isn't theirs.
    5. There is a way around anything unless it involves a lot of beauracracy.

    There's more but my friend who moved to Miami said that it should only be five.

    What is wrong with Matt Drudge?

    She looks kind of excited, I guess. Or her brain does. Maybe.

    Happy Gay Pride

    To all three people who actually read this, have a happy Pride. perhaps next year we can have marriage in New York state as an accomplishment. I feel like I might jinx it with my hopefulness, but want to put it forth anyway.

    Whether in New York, San Francisco, Toronto or Atlanta, keep it safe and stay out late. Maybe we'll see you out.

    Blazing Hot Sun

    I've just created this sexy looking sun. He looks as if he might croon, no?

    This city is hot right now, but nowhere near humid enough to warrent all the complaints heard on the street. Nice thing about New York in the summer is the feel of being on vacation after work.
