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Please stop supporting the RIAA.
The tech blog Gizmodo is organizing a month-long boycott of any music supported by the RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America). As most of you may know, the RIAA has begun bullying consumers and holding us hostage with overly-strict copy protection and mean-spirited lawsuits. They also eat puppies (not really.) Anyway, they need to be stopped and our wallets are the best weapon.
Please read he explanation and consider it. They give all details in the below post, and also a place to check if your music that you want to purchase is boycottable.
Also, send this link in whatever form to everyone on your frequently e-mailed list.
GOOD NEWS: All the new music I bought in the past month is also RIAA-free. Thurns out that the music not done by RIAA artists is of the highest quality (sometimes better).
Try these on iTunes: Mocky, The Pinker Tones Thom Yorke's The Eraser, Mum, Lemon Jelly I've made an iMix of some suggestions:
Also, here is a short list of places to start looking for independent music. Please report any errors in this list back to me. I will be correcting any misleading links:
Posted by
2/24/2007 05:24:00 PM
"Remember, the President likes his twinkies arranged around the plate like a spongecake Stonehenge"
It's amazing how easy it is to get sucked back into something. My current vortex: Podcasts on iTunes. I started last week and haven't been able to stop. Neither has Jim.
Last week we found Crista Flanagan (of MADtv fame) has a podcast called Hope is Emo. She does miserable really well, and at times you see a lot of Wendy Walker in Hope. The misery gets to be a bit much, so do it in smaller doses.
I'm also catching up on Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me. If you've never listened, you must. It is a non-participatory game show, where four people play silly word games. I just listened to the February 11th episode and Paula Poundstone is charming (as is the rest of the cast). All droll, witty and funny as hell while reviewing current events. Please, please check this out. You'll love it. Found here.
UPDATE: One more. SF Chronicle corrections podcast. Here. For the love of all that is holy. Now. NOW. Episode about the Oakland homicides.
Posted by
2/21/2007 10:46:00 PM
1 remarks
NBA does it right...
First, John Amaechi is really terrific. He has been coming out for a few days and is making a serious impact on the sports world.
Second, I just sent this letter to the NBA (at in response to this.
I want to commend you in your actions following the anti-gay remarks made by Tim Hardaway. In my opinion, you were swift, deliberate and right to not support intolerance. I now see the NBA with a depth I had not known was there and will make it my primary choice in sports viewing.
Jeff Ferzoco
New York, NY
Get ready to have basketball-watching parties at our apartment. (Maybe Jimmy will learn new hors-d-ouvres for basketball season.)
Posted by
2/16/2007 02:46:00 PM
Lifetime wins the Super Bowl.
On this day of horrible violence towards women across the US, one station chose to counter it with some powerful films. Lifetime quietly made the choice to show Bastard out of Carolina and Black and Blue, two films about domestic violence opposite the Super Bowl. They are also showing The Good Girl, but I'm not certain that it is part of the series.
Someone at Lifetime made a really great choice and will possibly save someone from a lot of pain. I'm watching it to see which advertisers support Lifetime for these films and make them part of my choices. Maybe I'll even write a letter or two...
Posted by
2/04/2007 05:52:00 PM
1 remarks