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    Jeff's shared items

    The '08 race is beginning.

    I just came across this in the NYT article today about politicians using hand sanitizer (slow day, eh?). Basically Bill Richardson, Democratic Governor of New Mexico, is considering running:

    Mr. Richardson said that if he ran for president, as he is considering, he had no intention of conforming to the norms of his antiseptic peers.

    “I just won’t use the sanitizer,” he said. “I’ve been offered it, but I’ve turned it down.”

    This positions Mr. Richardson as the early hygienic maverick of 2008.

    “I’m not afraid to get my hands dirty,” he said.

    Hmm. Obama/Richardson, anyone?

    The Essential Guide to Springfield

    I recently rediscovered this site in some files. It is about twenty minutes of activity, looking closely at the names the writers have invented. Especially good: Sprawl Mart.

    Tighten up you crazy cords.

    I have what looks to be a computer nest under my desk. It has to go away. A friend and I were discussing the techniques to properly do this and I found the answer here:

    Cord Control from Lifehacker

    Get to it.

    So I went and changed the title.

    Yes, I did. It wasn't sitting right. This one may not either, but I will keep the blog at the same address until I find one as good as "Jimmy Q's Egg Hut". Until that day, I am merely a name away from glory.

    Carry on my wayward son. There'll be peace when you are done.

    Little Tip fer ya #1

    Perhaps I'm not seeing well and this was in another release, but I just noticed that iTunes 7.0.1 has the downloads listed below your shopping cart while you are still downloading. It is always the subtle things that turn up in downloads that make me the most satisfied.

    Go ahead and download a Podcast and feel the magic happen.