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    Smiling, inviting clichés

    Thank heavens someone had the time and space to put this together. I'm including a few of my own extra images just to cap off the argument which has already been so perfectly presented.

    While we are on the subject, I'd like to make images not have to work so hard. They don't solve anything and sometimes dilute a perfectly good argument. If I see one more smiling person on a bank ad or an insurance brochure....

    Would my cat leave me if I got two of these?

    There is nothing cuter than this. Period.

    Get this video and more at

    Commanding Heights: The Battle for the Economy

    Never one to look too closely at world economics, I tend to get myself in over my head quickly by assuming I know more than I do about the subject. As it turns out, i knew nothing. NOTHING. Really, now, what the hell was I doing in civics class?

    This three-part series has substantially redeveloped my knowledge of planned versus free market economies in the first disc. Beginning in the 1900s and moving through current (2001) and future economies, the series lets anyone willing to sit through six hours of information REALLY know what the history of modern economics looks like. One note: It is a bit more enthusiastic about Reaganomics and Thatcher's policies than I'd like, but I'm open to the other side.

    Recommended for anyone, of any age and social strata. This is the knowledege we all should have remembered in the first place. In order to do so, you may have to watch some of the sections more than once. Do yourself that favor and get on it right away.