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    Jeff's shared items

    Great idea #3: Use your blog as a storage device.

    I'm going to remind myself what I have done in the past. I am. This is how. I will be linking and uplading everything I do as it happens. I will have a huge becklog If I decide to do that as well, but why not. Then if people wonder what I do (like that happens.) they can go here and feel COMPLETELY STAISFIED. YAY!

    One: Tons of information work. I really liked the cover initially (done VERY quickly), but am thinking of redoing it for myself. Probably not.

    Full Report

    Two: Eatontown. The cover is an overlay of some buildings on a model of the city. I'm a geek. Yes. I am.
    Download the report

    Three: Another Property Tax report. Lots of data inside. I learned more about how to arrange tables from this report than I ever have.


    Four: Moynihan Station Report. Not a lot to say. I love the Farley building and would love to spend time in it as a commuter.

    I'd better find something to do while this downloads...

    I will not wait this long for anyone. Anyone at all. According to my calculations, I will be waiting 230,982 years. Sexy.

    New Idea #3: Just start drawing.

    Actually, I did some work on an illustrator tutorial, which helped me create the nut on this page.

    Drawing Nuts and Bolts

    I really like this kind of drawing. Reducing detail and geometric shapes adding to others. It feels honest. Or simple. Or like a little puzzle. Or whatever you want to call it. If I were to get stuck in a rut, this would be it and I'd totally deal fine with it. Actually sounds kinda awesome.

    How to clear the line at the Louvre.

    I have nothing against Paris. I love Paris. Really, though, who isn't on the meteor's side? I sure am.

    Coming soon: Giant Robots.