Are you ready for some hot power tool goodness?
This should be played on every screen in every gay bar for all of eternity.
This should be played on every screen in every gay bar for all of eternity.
Posted by
1/28/2007 12:02:00 PM
1 remarks
I just figured out how to post on-the-go. I added a weblink to the post page for blogger to my Treo quicklinks. (duh.)
I'm sending this from the Urge right now. bartender's birthday happening tonight. Not staying long. (right.)
Jimmy is out shopping for warmer clothes becuse he has to work in the coming freeze - over a river. I feel bad for him and made him go buy clothes. He's so cute. He wanted to stay home, but it was going to bite him in the ass if he didn't do it now. We'll do a bigger order from Duluth Trading later and get him more workwear. I love workwear and am tempted to become an electrician just to wear it.
Back to me beer.
Posted by
1/24/2007 07:54:00 PM
Recently I've changed. I used to love convergence. Wanted all my devices in one: phone, music, games, etc. I'm not like that anymore. This all happened because of the new ipod shuffle I got this Christmas.
I LOVE this thing. It forces me to focus my listening to 200 songs, clips on anything and is totally solid state. I'm not afraid of damaging it because it is made of aluminum. Really. Best thing ever.
Unfortunately I'm now one of those geeks who walks around with an MP3 player strapped to them. I'll have to live with it.
Posted by
1/24/2007 07:22:00 PM
We have struggled with how to keep enough ice in the fridge for awhile. We both love our drinks like our Vogue editors: cold and colorful. We make what equates to screwdrivers minus the vodka at home all the time, requiring a lot of ice.
We found these at the Container store. They are sealed (ish), stack and were cheap. We bought 4 and ALWAYS have ice now. I'm so happy I could make myself a cranberry and seltzer.
Next step: Putting a visual cue on the fridge to make sure the empty ones are refilled. See, the key to this system is to refill all at once, because it takes 30 seconds. Doing them one at a time has NO advantage. You have to empty all of them out into the larger bin, then refill. Some would balk at that, demanding a commitment to the individual refill. Those people don't live in New York or have a Wii or have a cat who likes to wrestle for hours on end like me. I like short, powerful bursts of focused work. It makes things more tolerable.
That, my friends, is my ice system.
Posted by
1/15/2007 01:56:00 PM
cool drinks,
its just a tag,
Music: Totally addicted to the song "Sonido Total" from the album The Million Color Revolution by The Pinker Tones. They are out of Barcelona. They make me shake my booty all day long.
Games: Started up "Animal Crossing" Fucking Bob wanted me to deliver a picture book to Mitzi WAYYY to many times, so I dug up holes in his front yard and sent him a letter telling him he was an old queen with no taste. No response. Also almost finished the Potato Salad level in Cooking Mama on the DS. I can't get the potato peeling down, no matter how hard I try.
Websites: Boingboing is my continued favorite this week.
Posted by
1/15/2007 01:17:00 PM
its just a tag,
Sexy 80's,
1 remarks
I was at dinner tonight with some friends and we, predictably, began discussing the features of the iPhone. Everyone agreed in the end that it looks to be great, with the obvious hesitations (Cingular, price, can it be insured?, battery replacement). By far my personal favorite feature is the Multi-Touch screen. I'm not as excited about it on teh phone as for the potential for future variations of that.
From day one in my graphic design I have been bothered by the input barrier put between the user and the computer. Only when we can tactilely and immediately affect the screen – as we would the real world – will designers take further leaps in productivity and, indirectly, creativity. I'm imagining a 30-40 inch platform where you can maneuver objects around as you would if they were in front of you. This is not a new idea: See here.
Of course, the phone will be great, but I'm more looking towards future, more helpful uses for the technology. Oh, and I think they will print money with this thing, as has been said before.
UPDATE: Read this Macworld article for more potential flaws. I don't like that this is a closed operating system one bit.
Posted by
1/11/2007 12:33:00 AM
bluetooth skull array,
give me money,
graphic design,
what does he do again
To absolutely no one's surprise, Tom Cruise and Katie are apparently on the rocks. It sounds like things are getting kinda petty in the TomKat compund. With rumors of trauma over an 80's ad campaign and late night mental-wrassles over the number "71", things are looking bleak.
The more I hear about him, the more I think he is just an absolutely normal guy who is a controlling butthead. The Scientology, the quesadilla cheese, the odd numbers. They all make me think that I know many Tom Cruises, but none of them are wealthy. (You all know who you are.)
Anyway, read the nice article: TomKat is dying.
Posted by
1/03/2007 11:10:00 PM
give me money,
help im trapped call the police,
the love of the overexposed
1 remarks