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    Call me a skeptic.

    I've recently found another podcast I love, love, love. The Skeptic's Guide to the Universe is dedicated to refuting the massive amounts of bad science and pseudo-science in the world. The most recent podcast has a great debunking of Sylvia Browne, a psychic who my mother found interest in in the 80s.

    I'm right now going back into the archives on iTunes to see what they say about UFOs. I'm sure that somethign is happening, but the proof has never been there. I want to see what they put together as an argument against UFOs and how they might consider proof to be valid. I'll also look into their global warming topics, as I'd like to see how they address some of the data. Listen to them and see what they say.

    Some debunkings:
    - Enviga doesn't make you lose weight.
    - Sylvia Brown is a thief.
    - Jesus was not found.

    UPDATE: Al Gore's movie pissed me off because of it's over-dramatization and overbearing charts. I've been looking through the podcasts to see what they had to say about his movie to convince me he might have been nearly right. I found it in a great interview with Spencer Weart, author of The Discovery of Global Warming in January (Episode #77). In it, he breaks down the claims of climate change deniers, presents data and discusses "An Inconvenient Truth". The interview starts at about 35:45 and is worth your time. Really.

    Also check out the site Real Climate.




    JimmyQ said...

    I'm starting to realize the over-dramatization of Al Gore's charts and facts about global warming. This was his style during the 2000 campaign as well -- not that it should have been an excuse for the media to label him a liar for exaggerating stories about his childhood. What Al Gore is saying does require some drama, I think, to hit people over the head that we need to change our ways to head off the worst that climate change will deal us. But because he's dealing in the realm of the hard sciences, he needs to be careful about his figures and what is 'certain.' Rarely is science 100% right about anything.

    Clay said...

    I'm a big fan of the Skeptics guide, they are very grounded in science and stick to the facts, a great source to learn critical thinking as well.