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    A report came out today about environmental issues and consumption habits in Australia. Turns out that wealthier households consume more (what?!) but the real news is that inner-city households are consumption hotspots. Transit use and energy-efficiency are offset by higher rates of consumption on goods, rather than services. (Something to think about in the big-box argument?)

    Some great recommendations that are easy(ish) to put into action:

    · Shifting consumption from high impact goods to lower impact services;
    · Consuming sensibly rather than carelessly, while enjoying life more;
    · Cutting down on waste and unnecessary expenditure;
    · Purchasing efficient and environmentally sound products.

    On top of it, this report lays it all out in a clear, understandable manner with really lousy type. Worth a read. PDF attached.

    Also, look at the index in web form. Pretty:

    Report PDF

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    1 comment:

    JimmyQ said...

    This really goes so much deeper that just personal energy conservation. What a good study, and thanks for posting this!