Digital vs. Analog gaming and the true reasons we play
I came across this (via Joystiq) blog post about board games vs. video games. It is frequently suggested that board games are superior to video games because they seem more intelligent, or thoughtful or mindful. I don't disagree with that generally, but the post makes some excellent points about the logistics in setting up, playing and cleaning up a board game compared to a digital game. Frequently I just can't find someone to play Scrabble with or four people who want to play Catan. It is just as much fun to play in both realms, but the digital one is instantly-startable-and-resettable and can be solo.
This report (via Physorg) looks at the deeper needs of gamers. Perhaps we are not just playing to have a life of decadence and fun, but wanting to explore, succeed and satisfy curiosity which it is impossible to achieve in the real world (RW). Personally I feel more comfortable training myself to do things in the digital world because I can fuck up all I need before I am up-and-running on a specific task. It also makes me able to take more risks in the RW.